Duties and Responsibilities
The local EM Director is the eyes and ears of and represents the County Judge Executive’s presence (KRS 39B.030 (1)) on an emergency scene, at the disaster, or during a major emergency event.
The EM Director represents the County Judge/Executive and the City Mayor(s) or City Manager on all matters pertaining to emergency management and disaster and emergency response per KRS Chapter 39.
The Director will assist in the coordination of Henderson County governmental agencies, other City and County partners, State and Federal agencies to assure leadership, continuity and direction, to prepare for, respond to, recover from and mitigate the impact of natural, man-made, or technological disasters upon its people and or property.
Duties and responsibilities include the following (other duties may be assigned):
Fulfill requirements as set forth in KRS Chapter 39 and the Inter-local Cooperation Agreement between the Henderson County Fiscal Court and the Incorporated Cities of Henderson, Corydon, and Robards and to establish a Countywide Disaster and Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery program including, but not limited to the following:
- Meet annual training and exercise requirements as mandated by the KRS, KAR and FEMA. Some travel will be required
- On call 24/7
- Represent the Cities, County and the executive authorities thereof, in all matters pertaining to Emergency Management
- Direct, control, supervise and manage the development, preparation, organization, administration, operation, implementation and maintenance of the comprehensive emergency management program of the county
- Develop, implement and maintain a local emergency operations plan which shall provide specific and effective mobilization of public and private resources of the Cities and County
- Organize and coordinate volunteer personnel and affiliated Rescue Squad to serve during an emergency or disaster
- Coordinate disaster response or crisis management activities, such as ordering evacuations, opening public shelters, and implementing special needs plans and programs
- Consult with officials of local and area governments, schools, hospitals, and other institutions to determine their needs and capabilities in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency
- Assist in preparing and analyzing damage assessments following disasters or emergencies
- Inform citizens through public information and educational programs for the protection of people and property in the event of any future emergency
- Develop and maintain liaisons with municipalities, county departments and similar entities to facilitate plan development, ensure response effort coordination, and the exchange of personnel and equipment
- Apply for federal funding for emergency management related needs and administer and report on the progress of such grants
- Keep informed of federal, state, and local regulations affecting emergency plans and ensure that plans adhere to these regulations
- Draft, administer and monitor compliance of the local operating budget for the Emergency Management Agency (EMA)
- Maintain the 25+ Emergency Support Plans (different from the Basic Plan and the ESFs)
- Maintain Communications with and through the Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM) Region 2 Office and with the Kentucky State Emergency Management
- Direct Search and Rescue Operations (SAR) and REQUIRED paperwork for lost, overdue, or missing persons, either on land or water
- Maintain the Public Notification System (Reverse Communications)
- Maintain Operational Readiness for the 34 County Outdoor Warning Sirens
- Appoint EM Deputy Director
- Appoint County Search and Rescue Coordinator
- Process Monthly Claims (Emergency Management Program Grant [EMPG] Reimbursement)
- Monthly Progress Reports
- Monthly Time Sheets
- Monthly Public Service Announcements (PSA)
- Monthly “Work Plan”- complete scheduled monthly task assignments
- Training (32 hours per year minimum)
- Complete the 25+ Required Independent Study Courses
- New Director Training (40 hours classroom / residence)
- Exercises (develop, host, participate) – [4 required per year minimum]
- Attend National Weather Service (NWS) Seminars and Workshops
- Maintain EM Response Vehicle
- Maintain Mobile Command Post (MCP)
- Maintain EMA Website
- Maintain Social Media Accounts
- Maintain Hazard Mitigation Plan through Green River Area Development District (GRADD)
- Maintain the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
- Maintain the Emergency Management Office
- Maintain Annual Membership in the Kentucky Emergency Management Association (KEMA) – serving 3rd term as Region 1 and 2 Vice President
- Attend KYEM Region 2 Meetings
- Maintain a Local Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Organization
- Maintain Membership in the GRADD Citizens Corp Counsel
- Maintain Membership in the Henderson Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
- Maintain Membership in the local Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD)
- Maintain Membership in the GRADD Nursing Home and Assisted Living Group
- Manage Community Emergency Response Team (Adult CERT)
- Maintain EOC Staffing Chart in the EOP
- Assist in Teen Community Emergency Response Team (TEEN CERT)
- General Public, Industrial, and Government agencies – Safety training and presentations
- Assist in and Provide Safety Inspections for churches, industrial facilities, day care centers, Nursing Homes and Assisted living facilities, hospital emergency safety planning
- Be able to use WEB EOC and SharePoint computer programs along with WORD, Excel, and Power Point
- Prepare EMA annual budget (for County, City and KYEM)
- Reconcile LEPC Bank Statement
- Make VFD I.D. Badges
- Attend 911 Advisory Board meetings
Authority – Kentucky Revised Statues (KRS 39 A-F);
- The EM Director is an appointed position as per KRS 39B.010 and KRS 39B.020 and is governed by KRS Chapter 39 and Kentucky Administrative Requirements Title 106 – Department of Military Affairs, Chapter 001 – Disaster and Emergency Services
- KRS 39B.010 (3) – The local emergency management agency shall be an organizational unit of the executive branch of city, county, urban-county, charter county government, or counties acting jointly under the provisions of subsection (2)(b) of this section and shall have primary jurisdiction, responsibility, and authority for all matters pertaining to the local comprehensive emergency management program and, under the general supervision of the local emergency management director, shall serve as a direct function of the office of county judge/executive or mayor. In the case of counties acting jointly pursuant to this section, the supervision of the agency shall be set out by agreement or ordinance approved by the legislative body of each county. In accordance with the policies of the state-local finance officer, a separate emergency management agency fund account shall be designated and included in the city, county, and urban-county or charter county budget ledgers, and all financial matters of a local emergency management agency, involving funds provided through the Division of Emergency Management, shall be handled through the county, urban-county, or charter county treasury and financial system
- KRS 39B.020 (1) The county judge/executive of each county, the mayor of each city, consolidated local government, or urban-county government, or the chief executive of other local government, within thirty (30) days of assuming office following their election, shall appoint a local emergency management director who meets all qualifications criteria pursuant to KRS Chapters 39A to 39F, and shall immediately notify the director of the Division of Emergency Management of the appointment
- KRS 39B.030 (7) (a),
- To respond and have full access to the scenes of an emergency, declared emergency, disaster, or catastrophe to immediately investigate, analyze, or assess the seriousness of all situations;
- To coordinate the establishment and operation of a local incident command or management system;
- To execute the local emergency operations plan, as appropriate; to activate the local emergency operations center or on-scene command post;
- To convene meetings, gather information, conduct briefings, and to notify the division of on-going response actions; and fully expedite and coordinate the disaster and emergency response of all local public and private agencies, or to have a staff assistant do so;”
- KRS 39B.050 (3) The local disaster and emergency services organization shall be the primary disaster and emergency response force of city, county, or counties acting jointly under KRS 39B.010, urban-county government, or charter county government and an organizational component of the integrated emergency management system of the Commonwealth. The local emergency management director shall have primary responsibility for the coordination of all disaster and emergency response of the local disaster and emergency services organization for an emergency, declared emergency, disaster, or catastrophe
Latest Capabilities
- 32 foot Mobile Command Post with radio communications, computer systems, meetings areas for leadership and AT&T FirstNet cellular communications
- Mobile Cellular Repeater – “PLUM” Case for emergency cellular communications that provides WiFi internet access to the immediate area
- DJI Mavic II Enterprise Drone with Infrared and Zoom Camera
- Relocated offices to Suite A at 1990 Barret Court (Peabody Building)
- Mini-EOC (Operations Room)
- Conference Room
- Individual offices for staff
- Radio Communications Room (local, regional and national capabilities)
Requirements as per Kentucky Division of Emergency Management (KyEM)
1. Performance Area: Maintain Plans
- Annual Update of Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and Emergency Resource Inventory List (ERIL)
- Process Changes to the EOP in accordance with 106 KAR 1:200
- Promulgate the EOP
2. Performance Area: Complete EM Training
- Complete requirements per 106 KAR 1:211
- EM Director 32 Hours Required
3. Performance Area: Conduct Exercises
- Complete an annual exercise in accordance with 106 KAR 1:221
4. Performance Area: Emergency Operation Center (EOC)
- Identify EOC locations in EOP
- Maintain a copy of EOC staffing charts in EOP
- Conduct EOC staff training
- Conduct an EOC Assessment/Readiness Inspection annually
- Maintain a copy of EOC SOPs (update annually)
5. Performance Area: Search and Rescue
- The Local Emergency Management Director shall assume the duties of, or appoint a local search and rescue (SAR) coordinator
- The SAR Plan shall be reviewed and updated annually
- Rescue Squads shall be formally affiliated with an annual affiliation agreement in pursuant to KRS 39F.020
6. Performance Area: Maintain Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Organization
- Establish and maintain a DES Organization in accordance with KRS 39B.050
- Conduct QUARTERLY meetings of the DES Organization
7. Performance Area: Perform Emergency Responses (SEE ATTACHED GUIDELINES)
- Notify the KyEM Duty Officer and provide a MONTHLY summary of incident
responses to the Area Manager
- MONTHLY reports must be submitted to the Area Manager within 15 days following the end of each month. Submit copy to Judge/Executive and Fiscal Court; or Mayor and City Council.
8. Performance Area: Public Awareness/Crisis
- Distribute materials and participate in Severe Storms Preparedness Month – March, including statewide Emergency Alert System (AES) communications test.
- Submit School Tornado Drill Participation Report.
- Distribute materials and participation in Earthquake Preparedness Month – October, including statewide EAS communications test.
- Submit Emergency Management (EM) Public Service Announcements (PSA) or Articles – 2 per quarter and provide copies of what was submitted for publication to the Area Manager.
9. Program Administration
1. The emergency management director will maintain an office and financial records, attend meetings, periodically brief chief executives on current activities, prepare and submit all basic paperwork and documentation to include the following activities:
- Submit Emergency Management Association Membership Certificate or Membership Credential.
- Participate in at least one Emergency Management Association meeting annually
- Submit EMA Ordnances and Resolutions
- KyEM Form “EMA Director Appointment Documentation”
- Submit signed EMA MOAs
- Submit formal budget request to local chief executives
- Prepare and submit approved budget request
- Submit KyEM Form 156 “Local Emergency Management Work Plan Progress Report” – MONTHLY
- Submit time sheets – MONTHLY
2. Provide administrative support to the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).
3. Attend the KyEM Area Office QUARTERLY meeting in accordance with KRS 39B 020(3)(d).
4. Develop additional emergency management related products as required by the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA.