Kentucky is known for bluegrass, horses its vast natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. Located in far Western Kentucky is one of our most popular outdoor areas: Land Between the Lakes (LBL) But, also located beneath much of Western Kentucky is the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ)
The NMSZ is the most active seismic area in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. The NMSA is located in southeaster Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, western Tennessee, western Kentucky and southern Illinois. Southwestern Indiana and northwestern Mississippi are also close enough to receive significant shaking from large earthquakes occurring in the NMSZ..
The NMSZ is not the only seismic zone that impacts Kentucky. The Wabash Valley Seismic Zone is located in southeastern Illinois and southwestern Indiana and it is capable of producing “New Madrid” size earthquake events.
Most of us know about the risks that earthquakes pose here in the U.S. and around the world, and many have heard of the NMSZ, but the truth is, earthquakes can happen anytime, anywhere throughout Kentucky and the nearby region. Recent earthquake activity map is provided by the USGS at
It is critical that our citizens, communities and schools are prepared for naturl disasters. A catastrophic earthquake in the New Madrid Zone would impact not only Kentucky, but several surrounding states, as well. The overall impact could make previous disasters pale in comparison. The Kentucky earthquake Program and this website is dedicated to inform , educate and prepare Kentuckians for an earthquake.
How to Help Survive and Earthquake! DROP – COVER- HOLD ON!
Latest info from the Central United States Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC)
Preparedness is the answer;
STAY CALM and follow your emergency plans.
“Don’t Be Scared… Be Prepared”
Remember: Being prepared starts at home:
Don’t fall into the false sense of security that when bad things happen – it will always happen to the “other guy” or, “that will never happen to me”!
BE PREPARED, some day YOU may be the “OTHER GUY”!!
This has been another Public Service Announcement from your Henderson Emergency Management Agency where “We Care About Your Safety”.
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